Bethlehem is grateful for the generous support of individuals, businesses, government, and the wider community, which allows us to continue our work assisting people experiencing homelessness. We appreciate every donation, which is used to benefit and improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness and to build a better community. Bethlehem House is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient; and donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Online Donations

If you would like to make an immediate online donation to Bethlehem House, please visit the link below.


Postal Donations

If you would like to donate by post, please download and complete the Donation Form from the link below.  fill out and submit our donation form.

Donation Form

Post your completed form to:

Bethlehem House Giving
225 Harrington Street
Hobart TAS 7000

Donations by phone

Credit card donations can be made by calling 13 18 12 and stipulate that your donation is for the benefit of Bethlehem House.


You can leave a portion of your monetary or property assets in the form of a bequest to Bethlehem House. Your legacy will continue to support the lives of people experiencing homelessness in Hobart. Even the most modest of donations can achieve great things.

If you’re unsure how to go about this, please call us at any time on (03) 6234 4594, or download the St Vincent de Paul Society’s bequest booklet here. Bethlehem House is a Special Work of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Tasmania. When making a bequest, you can choose for your gift to go to the St Vincent de Paul Society or stipulate that you’d like your gift to go directly to Bethlehem House.